Far Cry 5 from Ubisoft is currently discussed nearly everywhere. There’s been just a week since the release but it’s already obvious that the game is very successful and that it has become one of the best products which Ubisoft has ever made. This is also thanks to a massive propagation which was stylized mainly in a form of live trailers which told us each time a bit more about the game. But the short trailers are not the only live content which Ubisoft created.
Already about a month ago, Ubisoft released a special 30 minutes long live movie which presents the story of Far Cry 5 in detail. Originally, the movie was available only to users of Amazon Prime because the membership was required to watch it. But now, Ubisoft has decided to provide the movie to everyone so it has uploaded it on YouTube where it is freely available.
The movie tells the story of three vloggers who, based on the fan’s request, decide to visit Hope County and to try to reveal the secret of the fanatical Eden’s Gate cult. So, if you want to find out more about the cult of Father Joseph Seed and to catch the full story of the game, you have now a unique opportunity. The full live movie is available below at the end of the article.
The Far Cry 5 game itself is currently available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows.
5. 4. 2018 12:06
6. 4. 2018 14:54 • 1 • 0
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