When the release of Far Cry 5 was postponed to the end of March, fans started to be impatient more and more. In order to shorten the waiting time, Ubisoft has released a new trailer called ‘The Resistance’ where you can see nearly everything.
And if we say everything we mean that literally. The trailer is focused mainly on coop mode of the game and on creation of relationships with your allies but in the trailer, you can also see big shootings, explosions, stabbing, rocket launchers and bows with arrows. The action atmosphere is even more increased by shooting from helicopters and cars but also by your “pets” in terms of trained dogs, bears or lions. Yes, you can also use a trained bear who can attack your enemy on command...isn’t it amazing?
It is obvious that the game will be as crazy as possible and if everything works well, we can look forward to playing a great game with many hours of never ending entertainment. You can watch the trailer together with a new gameplay video at the end of the article.
Far Cry 5 will be released on 27th March 2018 on Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
16. 12. 2017 12:41
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