Even though Star Wars: Battlefront has not been released yet, several chosen players had the opportunity to try the game within the EA’s Origin Access programme. However, this step triggered a wave of negative feedback which EA didn’t expect.
The problem was that after buying the game, most of the heroes are locked and can be obtained only for credits earned by playing the game and completing several challenges etc. This does not make the game any special but the most important is the fact that heroes costs were too high which made the process of unlocking pretty boring.
The fact that the EA’s reply to players complaints received more than 500,000 downvotes on Reddit just in one day forced the developers to reduce costs by 75 % to only quarter of the original price (as stated on the official website) which is a big difference. Executive producer John Wasilczyk also stated that the developers would try to improve the game even more based on players’ requests so every feedback is welcomed.
Let’s just hope that the developers have now satisfied all the players and the small affair will not influence the final sales of soon coming Star Wars: Battlefront 2. The game is being released on 17th November on Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
14. 11. 2017 15:55
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