We already informed you about the data miner Sanadsk and his reveal of new bosses and NPCs in Bloodborne code several weeks ago. The article was ended with a statement that there’s much more in the code and we can look forward to seeing it soon.
Today, Sanadsk did what he promised and with the help of ZullieTheWitch (another Bloodborne secrets expert), he was able to access a boss fight which has not been seen in the original game yet. In the video below, you can see that it is definitely not the hardest boss but it must be noted that abilities of both fighters might have been modified because of code intervention and the player was biased. At the same time, it is possible Sanadsk entered the boss fight in a totally different phase of the game with a much better equipped character so the defeat of the enemy was then much easier. Thus, the fight was obviously unbalanced and it might look differently in the game.
But there’s still the same question remaining. Is it even possible to enter the fight in the game? It still seems that the content is locked and considering there is no DLC planned to be released, the purpose of the content is completely unknown. Can it be somehow connected with a recently released video from FromSoftware teasing a new game? This might be something even the developers still don’t know and we just need to keep waiting for more information.
18. 12. 2017 22:56
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