During the E3 conference of Sony a few days ago, Remedy Entertainment presented a completely new game called Control which is currently in the development. But during the following interview with Mikael Kasurinen, the previous projects and older games were discussed as well. Thanks to that, we got some more information regarding the game Alan Wake.
Except for the discussion of Control, Kasurinen was also asked why the studio decided to move to completely new IPs instead of expanding their previous popular projects such as Max Payne or Alan Wake. Mikael responded that the studio still owned the IP of Alan Wake while they definitely did not throw away the idea of a new episode. No, not at all. In contrary, everyone in the studio would reportedly love to see a new episode so it’s definitely possible Alan Wake 2 could be created anytime in the future.
On the other hand, the studio is currently very busy by developing the new IP Control so we can be sure we won’t hear about Alan Wake 2 soon and we will have to wait a bit more until this big announcement comes...if it really comes.
Alan Wake was originally released in 2010 while it was a great narrative action adventure with a great story so it attracted many players all over the world. Thus, everyone was expecting the announcement of a new episode shortly after the release of the original game but, unfortunately, we haven’t heard of this IP since 2012. Now, we got at least small hope that the new episode could be really announced even after so many years so we could enjoy the adventure of Alan Wake at least once more. Let’s hope so.
21. 6. 2018 18:34
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