Released articles about the game
Alan Wake is available again
Remedy Entertainment's Alan Wake stopped to be available in the last year in May due to licensed music used in the game. For the fans of horror action games we have the great news, Alan Wake is back and is ready to start to a new life on the forsaken island…
27. 10. 2018 07:36
Alan Wake gets TV adaptation
To be a writer isn't easy, to create an own world with made-up characters in the space in which the entire plot takes place with a connection on a sequel, it may take a man several months or years. Alan Wake could tell, he hired out a cottage in the middle of…
13. 9. 2018 12:14
Alan Wake 2 could come in the future
During the E3 conference of Sony a few days ago, Remedy Entertainment presented a completely new game called Control which is currently in the development. But during the following interview with Mikael Kasurinen, the previous projects and older games were discussed…
21. 6. 2018 18:34