The announcement and the full reveal of Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey was one of the most anticipated moments of the Ubisoft’s press conference during E3 2018. And although it is nearly an identical game compared to the previous episode Origins (only set to a different century), it still looks very good and it satisfied many fans of the series.
In any case, there’s one thing which is always great about Ubisoft games. Every time, the music present in games is worth to listen to and there’s no exception in case of Odyssey. Ubisoft has decided to follow a slightly different way and instead of releasing the full soundtrack shortly before the release, the company has already started to publish the music piece by piece. Thanks to that, you can now check the first and the main theme song of Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey which you will hear when you start the game.
This song was composed by a duo known as The Flight who already prepared music present in Horizon Zero Dawn or other games. The song is called “Legend of the Eagle Bearer” while it is already available on iTunes and Spotify. For you, it’s available below at the end of the article. So, how do you like it? Is it great as always?
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows on 5th October 2018.
4. 7. 2018 23:24
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