The first information about A Plague Tale: Innocence brought to us E3 last year, but game was in the early development when we saw the first teaser. This year at E3 conference developer Focus Home Interactive was presented game in a new trailer. In addition to the trailer, he added a comment that reveals basic story information.
A Plague Tale: Innocence is set in France at twelfth century. At that time, a wave of diseases spread across France and rat population riches, resulting in mass genocide of the human population. The only protection in this world is light, but when the torch goes out, the darkness will take you, and nothing will save you from the bloodthirsty rats. You as a player take on the roles of the two siblings of Amica and Hugo who will travel through this dark and dangerous world.
The release date of the game has not yet been determined but the game will be released on PS4, XONE and PC.
14. 6. 2018 12:55
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