Released articles about the game
A Plague Tale: Innocence got the Accolades Trailer
The great narrative game with a dramatic storyline A Plague Tale: Innocence was released more than a week ago so it’s the right time to look back and summarize not only the quality of the game but also all the opinions of the others. The developers from Asobo…
23. 5. 2019 22:54
A Plague Tale: Innocence shows itself in a new gameplay
While being with your ill brother very often on the run before the inquisition, which barged into your family, you'll have to take necessary steps to be cautious from guards walking around with torches and for endless piles of rats which pile up and move around…
28. 4. 2019 10:01
A Plague Tale: Inocence is Gold
A Plague Tale: Innocence from Asobo Studio with collaboration with Focus Home Interactive appears to be complete. The game got a label "Gold", that means it has gotten among "fully fledged" games. This information is available via the Twitter…
4. 4. 2019 09:15
What is The Plague Tale: Innocence going to be about?
A Plague Tale: Innocence is already coming out on 14th May for Windows PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 from French Asobo Studio in cooperation with Focus Home Interactive, but yet we can watch the new story trailer which had been released early on by developers for…
3. 3. 2019 20:06
A Plague Tale: Innocence comes out in half of May
A Plague Tale: Innocence from French developers of Asobo Studios under the wings of Focus Home Interactive is in development for a few years, and what I personally look forward to. However, studio counts 140 people, and the title seems amazing. Some AAA titles…
26. 1. 2019 14:34
A Plague Tale: Innocence E3 trailer
The first information about A Plague Tale: Innocence brought to us E3 last year, but game was in the early development when we saw the first teaser. This year at E3 conference developer Focus Home Interactive was presented game in a new trailer. In…
14. 6. 2018 12:55