Mass of players who purchased Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice from From Software probably had suspected the studio does not create games for greenhorns, but hardcore players find themselves comfortable with it in pursuit for a challenge. A witness of these arguments can be both titles, Dark Souls and Bloodborne. The difficulty of each game reaches an impressive level which does not give you any part of the game for little effort much less to run through and experience any challenge.
Public general started to speculate that From Software should add "Easy mode" which would make the game easier, concretely boss fights and entire progress. Even if the demand is pretty concrete and precise, From Software is mainly known for their games not being trivial and probably never will, that's why turning off the course from original concept would mean a loss of dedicated fans who want to experience challenging in-game opponents.
So, a specific mode is heading to the Windows PC platform adjusting difficulty with few more clicks. Adjustable is also the speed of the game, the speed of bosses/opponents. In the case of "such easy" progress, tune the game to your requirements. The program is running behind the title so changes can be seen immediately.
At NexusMods you find a tutorial on how to use the program.
What's your opinion?
7. 4. 2019 21:26
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