Released articles about the game
Sekiro sold over 2 million of copies in 10 days
When Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice was released, it immediately became popular and many reviews were very positive. As it now seems, the players had the same opinion so a lot of them bought it before or directly upon the release. According to the official press release…
11. 4. 2019 22:27
Unofficial mode for Sekiro makes the game easier
Mass of players who purchased Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice from From Software probably had suspected the studio does not create games for greenhorns, but hardcore players find themselves comfortable with it in pursuit for a challenge. A witness of these arguments can…
7. 4. 2019 21:26
Sekiro's launch sales are very satisfactory
Last week, another rather big AAA title was released. Of course, we’re talking about Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and naturally, we’re now quite curious whether the game managed to attract enough fans and recorded a successful launch. Well, according to the…
25. 3. 2019 21:49
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice specifications revealed
Whatever Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice will be, no one will be able to deprive title tremendous graphics processing which you can see from various gameplay videos. From Software left behind themselves dozens of exciting titles such as Dark Souls or Bloodborne, but also…
10. 2. 2019 08:50
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice got a TGS trailer
Since the important Japanese gaming event Tokyo Game Show (TGS) is slowly approaching, mainly Sony is preparing for it a lot and started to tease it in its newest videos. Today, we already shared a very nice trailer of Days Gone and now, we’re here with another…
10. 9. 2018 21:53