From this year's Blizzcon Heroes of the Storm community could be disappointed. However, not in the true sense of the word, since last year when began a new era for this MOBA game, version 2.0 was created. This step was great in all aspects, and so the game grew to popularity at enormous speed. This year Blizzard has not made such massive news for us, but do not despair, two dragons are heading to Nexus! The first dragon is Alexstrasza, which comes from the Warcraft universe and the second dragon is Hanzo from the Overwatch universe. In addition to these two heroes, the game completes several new features that should improve the gameplay. Blizzard adds a new camera to make a better view of the fights, the towers will no longer have the ammo, but will shoot unlimited if somebody will be at range. This step should prevent the aggressive gameplay, reworked textures for invisible units, the possibility of avoiding attacks when you capturing mercenary camps and voice chat will be added to the game. With new heroes will be added new skins and other cosmetic stuff.
The Queen of Dragons, also known as the Life-binder. This red dragon is among the five dragon aspects that have been taking care of life on Azeroth for centuries. Her role will not be different in Nexus, because this is the place of the endless conflict and clash of all the heroes. In order she will heal and help her allies in battle. Alexstrasza will be ranged support, her primary abilities will spin around the healing of others for sacrificing her own health, but do not worry, Alexstrasza can get into her real form as a huge red dragon to burn her enemies. This Dragon Queen will be playable from November 13.
A true warrior, a strategist, a master of archery and a fencing. This all describes a man named Hanzo Shimada, who comes from a clan of killers. After his father's death, the older members of the clan ordered him to compare his younger brother, Genji. This order forever affected Hanzo, because he killed his brother. The act that he did broke his heart. Hanzo left his clan and family legacy. In Nexus, he sees the opportunity to improve and become the best warrior, as well to escape the horrors of the past. Hanzo will be a ranged assassin who can defeat his enemies before they even can get close to him. This dragon will be playable from December 4.
Event Dragons of the Nexus
Event will be available to everyone who join the game from November 14 until December 12 and as a gift you will receive a portrait of Alexstrasza and Hanzo. It will be possible to get more portraits for playing matches. I think these portraits are really beautiful. It's nice that Blizzard cares about us and rewards us for playing.
9. 11. 2017 19:52
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