After several days of tweeting mysterious gifs and pictures, the Heroes of The Storm's official twitter account finally revealed a message, which hero will get into the Nexus. All fans of Warcraft 3 certainly know the name Mal'Ganis. Yes, this infamous Dreadlord, responsible for the corruption of Prince Arthas, an event that leads our beloved and young prince becomes Lich King. According to his abilities and the spotlight, he will be a melee warrior who stands out on the solo line.
Here are his abilities:
- Vampiric Touch - passive, an ability that drains health on hit from enemies.
- Fell Claws - damage dealing ability that lunges forward and can be triggered three times in a row, stunning on its third hit.
- Necrotic Embrace - AoE damage around Mal'Ganis that buffs him with armor.
- Night Rush - mobility power, that after a short channel, gives him increased movement speed and sleeps enemy heroes he passes over.
- Carrion Swarm - first heroic ability, which turns him into an invulnerable swarm of bats. While in this form, Mal'Ganis' passive heals for 100% damage dealt.
- Dark Conversion - second heroic. After a short channel, Mal'Ganis swaps his healt percentage with an enemy hero.
9. 10. 2018 16:46
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