The fans of RTSs must be pleased because a new strategy Northgard was released a month ago from Shiro Games who have recently released the patch fixing the plenty of bugs and tease on the multiplayer and raking system. The studio Shiro Games enabled us to try Northgard full version and play until the end, while the interesting preview was released deeply describing the entire system of Northgard. As you can read in the preview, the storyline is not gripping, but skirmish mode is the way how to entertain yourself for some time.
In the latest update, the bugs reported by players have been fixed. A numerous dose of bugs was fixed, health bar adjustment and also adding the signposting which should show you the better course in the storyline. The important bug has been also fixed which prevented to kill neutral enemies after colonization. Some of the players plentifully used up that. It was also repaired the Raven clan, which became unbalanced, thanks to the settlement of new territories using Krown.
The last news is the announcement about preparing multiplayer ranking system. The maps in multiplayer should be generating fairly, and a new clan is about to come. We have plenty of staff to look forward to. Even now, the bugs are being reported on Steam to developers. The interesting RTS title we heartily recommend to try out.
15. 4. 2018 19:43
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