Original Diablo III was released in May 2012 for PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Xbox One or PlayStation 4, Action RPG with hack and slash elements is well-known game series from Blizzard Entertainment since the first title released in 1996. Until now, the first title is playable but players prefer the second title Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Blizzard's Twitter account certainly indicates by this GIF that Diablo III being prepared for Nintendo Switch platform. Should the Diablo III be released on this platform? Certainly yes because many fans dream of playing this title on Switch day n' night in their beds.
EDIT: "We can assure you we’re not that clever,” said a Blizzard spokesperson. “[It was] meant to be a fun community engagement piece. We have nothing to announce.”
3. 3. 2018 08:01
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