There has already been said a lot about the upcoming God of War game from Santa Monica Studio but that’s not so surprising considering the game is being released in less than a month. For example, we found out the game would not contain microtransactions and then we got several new videos of the game such as a developers’ diary about the combat system but also an amazing TV commercial. Now, the developers mentioned the difficulty settings in the game.
God of War will offer four different difficulty settings in order to deliver the best experience to any player who wants to try the game. The easiest one is mainly for those who want to just explore the beauty of the game’s world and enjoy the story without having problems during combats.
Regarding the second easiest difficulty, this one should be a classically balanced standard which majority of players will choose. The third “hard” difficulty will be similar but will be more challenging and suitable for the players who do not want to finish the game too quickly without bigger problems.
But finally, there’s the fourth and quite a unique difficulty called “Give Me God of War”. This one does not contain just an increase of enemies’ health and vulnerability of the main characters as in case of other games. The developers claim that in this mode, enemies are completely reworked and have distinct combat tactics and combos so it’s an entirely new challenge. On top of that, this difficulty has its own save slot and won’t allow you to drop the difficulty during the game in order to force you to enjoy the challenge from the beginning until the end. So, we have definitely a lot to look forward to!
God of War is being released exclusively on PlayStation 4 on 20th April 2018.
22. 3. 2018 13:29
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