It’s been just a couple of months since the latest God of War game was released while this episode was very different and moved the whole series to a completely different way. However, this strategy obviously works and the title has become one of the best games of 2018. Are you also the one who likes Kratos but likes reading at the same time? Then continue reading, we have very important news for you.
Thanks to Amazon, we’ve just learned that the story of God of War will be released also as a book God of War: The Official Novelization while it will follow the events we could have enjoyed in the game for ourselves. It is also very interesting that the author of the novel is J. M. Barlog who is the father of Cory Barlog, the director of the game. This might sound like an obvious protection but on the other hand, this person is the ideal one who can best describe the relationship between a father and a son as in case of Kratos and Atreus in the game.
If you decide to buy the book, then you should know that the novel will be released on 28th August for 15 dollars as a paperback or for 10 dollars as an ebook. The original game God of War is currently available exclusively only on PlayStation 4.
6. 8. 2018 22:24
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