God of War from Santa Monica Studio is being released in only a few days while it has recently received the highest ratings from nearly all the gaming magazines. Thus, it’s not so surprising that thousands of fans all over the world can’t wait to play the game as soon as possible. In order to quench the thirst, you can now at least listen to the music present in the game.
Via the official PlayStation blog, Sony has just announced that the full God of War soundtrack had been finally uploaded on Spotify. Thus, the soundtrack is now available to everyone who wants to enjoy the atmosphere of the game before it is finally officially released. It should be noted that the soundtrack was composed by Bear McCreary who previously worked on music present in TV series Battlestar Galactica and The Walking Dead.
The composer mentioned that already in the beginning, he had known that this episode would require a completely new music without recycling any sounds from the score of the original episodes since this is the restart of the whole series. He also stated that his favourite song was “Memories of Mother” because it reportedly resonated with his personality most.
The complete soundtrack is available below at the end of the article while you can also import it to your own Spotify library if you wish to.
God of War is being released exclusively on PlayStation 4 on 20th April 2018.
16. 4. 2018 18:35
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