Developers of For Honor have recently announced that the new season will be called The Age of Wolves. The reason for this is simple, the game has its annual anniversary since its release, and it all refers to the campaign of the game and the main antagonist Apollyon who sparked the hammer of the war and the eternal conflict between the factions.
The biggest addition for this season will be dedicated servers that For Honor finally gets, thus eliminating the problem with NAT type, which may have prevented you and your friend from cooperative. It is definitely a step in the right direction, as it could lure a lot of new players or get back the old player. Together with the dedicated servers will be added, individual balancing of characters, a new training mode and, last but not least, equipment for fighters.
Launch of the season is scheduled for February 15th, so do not hesitate take the sword, or the ax, and stamp out to the world of eternal conflict.
29. 1. 2018 20:37
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