During past weeks, the game For Honor from Ubisoft has been discussed more than usual. Firstly, an interesting Training Mode was added to the game and then, the game was playable for free for the whole week. Today, you have the last day if you haven’t tried it for free yet. Now, the developers have come with detailed information about a new season which will be here sooner than we expected.
The developers from Ubisoft have just announced that the sixth season of For Honor called Hero’s March will be released in less than two weeks, on 17th May. And what can we look forward to? The free update will come up with a completely new map called Beachhead which will be playable in all the modes except for the one called Tribute. It is also important that two heroes, Orochi and Peacekeeper, will be drastically changed including their abilities but for now, we don’t know what the changes are.
The third important change is the fact you will be able to keep any of the obtained skin or visual style and then apply it on any gear you have. Thanks to this action, the players won’t have to keep the same gear with different skins in their inventory just to have all the variations and at the same time, this should solve the problem with not enough slots in the inventory which many players were arguing about.
Finally, we also got to know that the studio would be working on new heroes which might appear in the game later in the future while we should get more information during this year’s E3 2018. It looks like we can still expect a lot of new content also in the future including several interesting changes.
For Honor is currently available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows.
6. 5. 2018 13:57
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