The action game Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is being released in only three weeks so it makes sense that Activision is increasing the amount of advertising to the maximum. Releasing various videos or trailers represents one of the possibilities how to advertise the game while this time, we have to admit that the developers were really original.
The company Activision and the developer Treyarch have released a brand-new video presenting the upcoming game Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 but this time, it is created as a music video accompanying a great song. In the video, you can listen to the whole song called Mad Hatter which is composed by Avenged Sevenfold while all the gameplay nicely fits into this song. The video is focused mainly on the Zombies mode so you can expect not only tons of eliminated enemies but also various locations which are typical of this mode in the upcoming game. Well, you can check it out for yourself, the video is available below. Enjoy it.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is being released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC on 12th October 2018.
21. 9. 2018 21:14
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