Speculations and minor leaks from the previous days have pushed Activision to officially announce a new episode from the well-known Call of Duty series called WWII. Thus, everyone can guess that the series is returning back to its roots and is getting the story to The World War II. By this action, Activision is probably trying to beat the great success of Battlefield 1 from EA which takes place during The World War I.
The development of a newly announced episode is in hands of Sledgehammer Games that has already developed Advanced Warfare and co-developed Modern Warfare 3 (together with Infinity Ward). During the previous days, a couple of preliminary pictures have been shown and there is also a backstage information that the game could be released on 03/11/2017. However, we must wait for an official confirmation together with more information until the Wednesday’s evening (26/04 at 7PM CEST) when the game is going to be fully revealed during the livestream which is being officially countdowned at the Call of Duty website. The only confirmed information is that PlayStation 4 players will keep their time exclusivity allowing them to play the DLC multiplayer maps 30 days earlier than the others (which is not surprising in terms of the last Call of Duty episodes).
You can take a look at the leaked pictures together with boxarts at the end of the article.

21. 4. 2017 20:04
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