While the first Call of Duty: WWII DLC called The Resistance was released on 30th January, the second expansion called The War Machine is still in preparation. However, it is scheduled to be released on PlayStation 4 already during the next week so the developers from Sledgehammer Games have decided to launch a new trailer which comes with some new information.
Already a week ago, we informed you about the locations the latest DLC The War Machine would contain. Thus, we can expect a secret German V-2 rocket facility, the pyramids in Giza in Egypt and a famous French town called Dunkirk. Except for this, the DLC will also contain a new Nazi Zombies chapter called The Shadowed Throne.
But a special brand-new mission called Operation Husky is probably the most attractive part of the DLC. As the title says, it will be focused on the Operation Husky, an invasion of the Allies in Sicily in July 1943. In this mission, you will have an opportunity to play the role of either the Allies or the Axis.
This means that your goal is either to successfully invade Sicily or, in case of the Axis, to try to prevent the invasion and to defend your position. The detailed description of all the objectives is available on the official PlayStation Blog.
The second Call of Duty: WWII DLC called The War Machine is being released on 10th April 2018 on PlayStation 4 while the owners of Xbox One and Windows will get it 30 days later when the timed exclusivity ends. The new trailer presenting all the content of the new DLC is available below.
4. 4. 2018 12:16
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