The Burning legion is defeated, Sargeras is imprisoned. Life at Azeroth could finally turn to the better, but Sargeras swung his sword to the Azeroth. Luckily, he couldn't destroy it, but he could badly injured her titan, who became vulnerable to the rest of the world at the moment, most likely Old Gods, but they are just speculations.
The introduction of the new datadisk, which will be named Battle for Azeroth, we know for some time now. Slowly, however, is the direction in which this expansion will take place. Blizzard slowly releases information, and one of them is an epilogue, a complete story of the Legion.
You can look at it in the enclosed videos that are different for each faction. In the future, we can expect much more information about expansion, since the alpha version is running and data mining is possible.
30. 1. 2018 17:56
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