Breast, blood, torturing and disturbing content you won't see on consoles, but PC players will have the option.
Madmind Studio with their project Agony under the publishing studio PlayWay publishes materials for passionate players of first-person horror survival titles. This title is set to come out sometimes in 2018 and brings up the new information. To introduce you the game a little bit more, as the abandoned soul you will wander through the hell without memories of the past life. On the way through hell, you meet a different kind of ugly monsters, blood and disturbing content which has to be censored on the consoles.
Recently, on the official page of Agony on Kickstarter, the new information appeared which informed about the whole situation. The developers admit that it was necessary to apply restrictions together with censorship so it can be released on the consoles. PC players await the release of the uncensored patch which eliminates the censorship from the game voluntarily.
It's reasonable that the developers try to get M-rating instead of AO-rating which would prevent enormous profitability of unreleased title on the consoles. The fact is, the disturbing plot takes place in the hell, but you have to take it with a bit exaggeration.
In association with the update which will remove censorship, PlayWay studio made a statement:
We also want to confirm that we are preparing a special, optional patch for PC that will remove the aforementioned “censorship”. We would love to do something similar for consoles but from a technical and legal point of view it is simply not possible.
With that in mind, we decided that backers who have bought the console version of Agony will be able to convert it into a PC version. Details on how to do this will be provided soon in the next update, here on Kickstarter.
The developers promised that Agony's story on PC is going to be much harder than we've already seen. The official date was set for 30th April on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, but subsequently set to the indefinite date in 2018. More information can be read on Agony's page on Kickstarter. On this website, you can find another material which should introduce you the game much closer.
16. 4. 2018 19:04
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