Whether you are a fan of psychological horror games and really based on the story, the Layers of Fear is available for free on the Humble Store for Microsoft Windows, MacOS and Linux platforms. A unique chance you should not miss, because the game is discounted from € 22. The game does not include the DLC, which you would have to pay for in the future. What is pleasing, however, is the fact that together with the game you will get a soundtrack. Soundtrack consists of 16 songs.
All you need to do is have a Steam account through which you run the game on Windows, MacOS, or Linux. If the game takes you, the datadisk is available for just 1 € at the Humble Store. Incarnating yourself in the painter that is about to finish his work during the Victorian era, you are in a story that can completely absorb you.
Do not miss this game, you have got only 24 hours!
19. 12. 2017 19:00
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