Finally, it’s here! Now it’s the right time to put on the Sorting Hat, choose the right house and explore the beauty of Hogwarts and the life of a magician. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery from Jam City was released today so it’s already available completely for free on Android and iOS.
This mobile game was already discussed before also on our website because recently, it attracted a lot of attention thanks to the big publisher Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment but also due to the big potential the game has. For example, we got to know that the main characters would be dubbed by the actors who played the roles of the corresponding characters in the movie. The developers described the game as an experience which will fully show you the world of Hogwarts so you will feel like you are really attending the school.
Based on the first feelings, it looks like it is indeed a great game with a good story and gameplay and will last for several hours. On the other hand, the game contains microtransactions which allow you to buy not only cosmetic items but also to speed up long and boring waiting sections until you restore your energy. That’s something that is expectable since the game is free-to-play but still, it is something you might not like about the game.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is currently available on Android and iOS so you can download it completely for free if you redirect to Google Play Store or iTunes App Store. The official Launch Trailer is then available below.
25. 4. 2018 15:11
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