Detroit: Become Human continues in series after Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls in the same play style of interactive films. There are a lot of cutscenes with brilliant actors' performance, the most realistic graphics and the interaction with the player is different so far. It does not mean the game must be boring or easy. The experience of playing is different in some ways. In comparison, you watch the film in which you are being involved, having an impact on the story.
Whereas the Detroit is primarily story driven game, as I mentioned above, I will deal with it in considerable extent (without spoilers, of course). The game will take you at the end of 2038 to Detroit town. Cybernetics has reached a higher level and having personal android is common practice. Then, Cyberlife company came up with the revolutionary breakthrough. The androids replaced cheap workers, if it hadn't done the robots before, personal assistants, soldiers, helpers or dollies for sexual whims. They are perfect in many ways than a human - they do not destroy themselves, they don't have to eat, they stand the pain, have significant strength and more advanced intelligence thanks to the connection with the internet. There are plenty of models being different in equipment and abilities, but basically, they are the same. The customer chooses optional extras like in a car shop - exactly in accordance to customer's wishes. Blueblood propels them and flows through their biomechanic parts, and it has become the most valuable commodity on the earth about which USA and Russia are about to start the 3rd World War.
The economic and social impact on society is huge. Economic power in the USA rapidly increases (although, most of the money is being held by Cyberlife), but the unemployment increases as well. People without jobs riot against the androids and attack them. The rest of the society uses the android in destructive amount - the partners buy the kid androids (natural childbirth decreases), alone individuals replace friends with androids, the army is under the control of several top leaders, but most of the soldiers are the androids. In the game, all of these fragments are being collected, and you feel the real atmosphere of it which start to scare you very soon If you realize it could happen any time in the future.
In total, the main storyline is divided into lots of chapters. There are three playable characters (androids) to be changed on and off in term of game time. Kara is a typical android like a housemaid whose tasks are laundering, cleaning home, cooking and housekeeping. Marcus is an assistant robot for the old artist who cannot take care of himself at all (earlier, If I'm not mistaken, used to be a war model). Last playable character is Connor, android detective, put in charge by Cyberlife company itself who becomes involved in increasing deviant occurrence, which means androids getting out of control, refusing obedience to their owners (people), and express emotions. If and when these three characters meet each other, it depends on the player himself. Every chapter has, at least, one ending (some chapters may contain ten endings) following by specific decisions the story depends further - it means, most of the sequences and chapters can remain locked. Its playability is a great journey to end it more than once. One run takes about 12-15 hours, in which case it contains about 45 endings. However, you don't have to play the game again from the beginning - it's possible to choose a chapter to continue on, and the save slot automatically replaces the previous one.
Technological aspect is like by this years' PS4 exclusives on an awesome level. Well-made character animations create android authenticity or living people around. Futuristic and living city too. The developers had also done some work on optimization, I haven't run across bug either, crash or any imperfection. Only one aspect might by animations of cars - in total it doesn't spoil the enjoyment. I tested the title on PS4 Pro, and there was really something to be fond of - on a 1080p monitor, as well as on 4K HDR television (the game contains support of the 4K resolution, so the enjoyment is better on TV).
Detroit: Become Human doesn't have to fit everyone. If you prefer online battles above a story, this game won't change your opinion at all. Some people may have problems with cinematographic aspect followed by fewer interactions we are used to from other titles. But, if you want to be a witness of highly-developed title, story, in which you choose your way how the game ends, full of well-written characters whose you care about or hate them and audiovisually it will draw you into androids' future, I do highly recommend to try out. A huge plus goes for professional Czech subtitles which may please twice more.
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