Released articles about the game
This new Wolfenstein: Youngblood trailer shows off the Blazkowicz twins
Wolfenstein: Youngblood will be released in about two months so it’s obvious that Bethesda needs to slowly start advertising it and reminds us of this game even before E3 2019 launches. Thus, the developers from MachineGames have released a new very short…
24. 5. 2019 23:43
The Switch version of Wolfenstein: Youngblood will not include the cartridge
Although Wolfenstein: Youngblood was announced already during the event E3 2018, we haven’t heard much about it since then and probably the most important announcement was the reveal of the official release date back in March. Today, we’re here with at…
7. 4. 2019 23:30
New Wolfenstein will be called Youngblood
Not many players expected that shortly after the release of Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, Bethesda could announce the next episode during its E3 press conference. But it’s real so we now know that the new episode will be called Wolfenstein: Youngblood. The…
11. 6. 2018 11:02