Released articles about the game
The sales of Resident Evil VII passed 5 million
Resident Evil VII: Biohazard from Capcom did not record a strong start at the time of its release especially because of some unusual game elements which were very different compared to other episodes of the series. However, later on, players found out that the game is…
10. 4. 2018 12:45
Resident Evil VII GOLD edition is out now
It has been several weeks since we came with information about the future release of two new Resident Evil VII: Biohazard DLCs called ‘End of Zoe’ and ‘Not A Hero’. And while days are passing, the date of release is here and both the DLCs are…
13. 12. 2017 22:29
More details about Resident Evil VII DLCs
The last episode from Resident Evil series entitled as Biohazard was accepted with very enthusiastic reactions and high review scores. Since the developers are still working on new content, we could have already enjoyed several DLCs which accompanied the game. But…
23. 11. 2017 19:37