The small independent Turkish studio Mobge Games stands behind very attractive recently released title called Oddmar. Cartoon 2D platformer has appeared innocently on App Store and we did not hear about the whole project for some time. Earlier in 2016, shots were published under the title name "Viking Mushroom," but the completed game is entitled Oddmar. So, long waiting bore fruit.
Oddmar is a member of Viking clan, whose mission is to conquer the territories and expand their sphere. Oddmar and his brother Vaskr are associated with an emotional bond, but Vaskr was often prejudiced in favour before Oddmar. Mockery and unkind comments remained for Oddmar that he is not even able to pass through deep forest and kill anyone on sight. Young Viking was forced to leave the Viking clan to prove the chief the opposite. And so begins the Oddmar's adventure who fights for acceptance in his clan and his brother who he has not seen for a long time. Oddmar came back from the forest shortly after leaving the clan and found out his clan had disappeared. With the help of Fairy, he sets out for the adventure to the woods and mountains with a goal to free his clan and find vanished brother.
Oddmar's entire adventure is creatively and attractively created. The title is not just a usual game for which the big company would stand and this is the reason why we talk about beautiful title accompanied by the breath-taking story. The plot does not act on the feelings, but you surely empathize with lonely Viking who fights for his cleansing and during his journey, he finds out that Good is not the only part of the world, but even the Evil. Between Oddmar and Vaskr can be felt the emotional bond as a brother with a brother can ever feel.
Pleasant menu welcomes you after the first launch of the game in which you cannot get lost. Easily, touch the screen via the finger, nose or a chin to start the journey. Emerge on the tall tree carrying several worlds which are unlockable in time. In the first world called Midgard, you will learn about many important details about the game. How to move, how to fight, how to defend yourself and how to use every obstacle and enemy for to get to someplace where you need to. There are five levels on every island with the sixth level which is unlike the previous levels. The story is narrated by a third person (narrator) who will always introduce you to the new world and explain the essence of the story. The game contains only English language together with English subtitles which can be turned off. Cinematic videos are the brilliant addition to the narration, so you don't have to be worried you wouldn't understand the storyline.
The second world is Alfheim, the third is Jotunheim and the last one is quite idyllically entitled Hellheim where the entire hell ends. As I mentioned above, the first world looks like the introductory world where you prepare for the other three worlds. At least, it doesn't mean the progress through the first levels is simple. In every level, you collect gold coins for which you can find usage by the merchant with weapons and different types of shields. The price is different each time according to the current price list of the merchant. To make collecting coins funnier, the developers created hidden chambers and corridors for finding three hidden coins and more gold coins. Hidden coins are extra content in the game but it should please you to overcome the obstacles to find the hidden coin. A curious addition is the burping mushroom which is eligible to poison you and send to another bonus area. There are several types of similar areas which you can visit. In some of these, you run to save your life in front of appearing spikes behind your back, in the next one you run in front of a bunch of angry goblins while collecting gold coins. After sobering up you appear in front of burping mushroom and continue on your journey in the real world.
The most delightful moment was riding a boar with two long tusks and a flying squirrel. Get on the boar that breaks the all objects around with two long tusks. One slap on the bottom hurries the boar up and increases its power to maximum to leap a longer distance. Yet, the flying squirrel is able to wave its "wings" more time in the air so you can get to higher places. These animals help you to travel faster because Oddmar's legs are not that long to overcome long distances at his feet.
By the road, enemies are hidden anywhere around and have a different form. On your journey through the forests, you can see rolling hedgehogs, monsters with spikes on the head, goblins or jellyfishes. It is necessary to be careful because your life is limited to two hearts and anywhere around you can find the shield which provides you with a protection until the first hit. Going through the levels look easy with boar and flying squirrel, but I have to disappoint you, these animals appear in few levels. It is up to you to overcome every obstacle by yourself with no help. It doesn't change the fact you should enjoy every step in the level. Pleasantly highly-developed graphic interface slightly reminds Rayman in which you try to avoid monsters or punch them with the fist to their faces. Oddmar uses his sword and shield. As you can see in the picture above, purchased weapons are changeable any time whenever you are in the level.
In some levels, you fight with final bosses. I can honestly say, that some of the bosses won't be a problem for you, but the final boss of the entire game, I have to admit I had to control myself not to throw iPad out of the window. If you are not skilful, some of the bosses will make you cry. I firmly believe that many players on the tablets and smartphones are gifted and skilful to destroy them all without problems.
Controllability of the game is pleasant, even when you get annoyed at specific movements. Some of the movements which you would like to do, do not have to work properly. For example, jumping on the frog heads or on the shrooms do not have to be a pleasing experience. Graphically, the title is brilliantly created and you may let your eyes to watch the beautiful entertainment until the final end of the game. The awesome experience is purchasing the weapons and shields because you do not need real money, collecting in-game gold coins is enough. Microtransactions cannot be found in Oddmar and it is marvellous. I have to remark that the game is being sold for 129 CZK or $4.99.
Playtime is roughly around 4-6 hours. I fairly collected every hidden coin and attend every bonus levels. Surely, get through the game can take one or two hours if you like speedruns. In my opinion, it's highly-developed title on iOS platform for a fair price. If you want to enjoy cartoon atmospheric environment, pleasant music and interesting gameplay, I heartily recommend buying Oddmar and let yourself get carried into the world, into Oddmar's Viking world. At the final end, you may find out that Oddmar would have gotten a sequel but I don't want to spoil you anything. Just try it by yourself and let us know in the comment section below, how you did like it!
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