Reviewed version: Windows PC with PlayStation 4 controller
Attu Games is two members Czech studio standing behind the forthcoming title Feudal Alloy. Every animation, programming and development was going on during three consecutive years in this small studio. External freelancer stands behind the music who contributed to a big deal. Feudal Alloy comes out for Windows PC, Linux, MacOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
Attu isn't just a piece of a scrappy robot who has an aquarium with golden fish in place of his head, but Attu is a brave Don Quijote without a steed taking care of fields at the end of the village where he takes care after retired robots to let them leave in peace. All facilities in the nursing institute for robots come from sunflowers' field which is being cultivated by the main protagonist Attu who also produces precious sunflower oil from it. Attu is a caring robot in whom heartily character blending with knight abilities, as we figure out very soon. One day, the nursing institution next to the fields with sunflowers is plundered by uninvited guests aka unfriendly robots from underground who also carry off several precious amulets from residents of the nursing house.
The entire title gives you the impression of a positive and cartoon environment what adds the game authenticity. You never know who you meet underground, and it is Feudal Alloy. Within several minutes, you quickly figure out that manipulate with the PS4 controller is convenient than you'd have ever expected. Whenever you want to use Attu's unlearned ability on the PS4 controller, Attu says "ee" and makes you sure, that this is not a right button. The studio itself do recommend to play with the PS4 controller for better enjoyment. Personally, I tried once to control Attu via keyboard buttons, but the controller is still a better choice. Even if the controller is connected to Windows PC, it transfers vibrations.
Attu grasps a sword devoted him by one of a retired veteran and rushes into the depths of underground where he meets with various types of monster and weirdos trying to prevent him from passing through shafts in pursuit after precious oil. Mentioned aquarium in place of head troubles Attu pretty much because excessive waving with a sword causes heating water in the aquarium and thus Attu's body might overheat, so he cannot use his abilities and fight with opponents. At the very beginning, you must be self-sufficient with an effortless leap ad basic attacks. In terms of time, you get quite enhanced robot having not only basic attacks up your sleeve, but also some electric missiles.
When we're at modules, maps and abilities, I also mentioned that Attu isn't just a piece of scrappy sheet metal holding the sword in his hand and jump up and down. Attu is enhanced robot! Manual control and moving across a map is smooth. You use four directions - right, left, up and down. After some time, you'll be so sure about the course and where you even go, but in some cases, you figure out, that you might miss some spots, shaft, a passage where you may find a piece of the map, lost amulet or a treasure chest. Finding the parts of a plan is quite important because you never know, where you are. If you put the pieces together, then you'll see, what you've already revealed, explored and where the hidden doors are. The map looks like a simple draft of a maze where you cannot get lost in theoretically, but there are more than one hundred passages around you. Some shafts are blind, and solid armoured doors for cartridges block some passages. If you don't find the right cartridge, you won't be able to pass the gate.
Game features are an inventory where findings are stored, found things or purchased one. Another feature is a tree of skills divided into three sections from which you choose preferred ability. To learn Attu a skill, it's necessary to reach a new level when you more and more destroy enemies and collect metal scrap from them. The third feature is the map you need every few seconds. It's not possible to do a step in one hour of exploring without a plan. The map helps you in troubles, leads you on your way and gives you hints where to find collectables. The fourth feature is, for now, clear printed circuit board where you put found modules (after exploration of a module, it comes to printed board automatically). The printed circuit board appears to be inside of Attu's body, and additional modules help him to learn new and better skills. The last bookmark includes found emblems which had been hidden across the map quite precisely. You can check achieved and unachieved achievements. Let us know to comment section, what was your first achievement?
There are different types of treasure chests in some passages and alleys. Wooden ordinary crates are specific for including metal scrap giving you experiences. Oil can restore your oil bar (health) often stored in strangely looking barrels. Cans with oil Attu may toss off inside his metal body to cure injuries. Don't think that barrels and cans you can find in every passage or shaft. Sometimes, it's quite recommended to save a little bit of black sticky wafting beverage for worse times. Overheating is problematic for Attu as well, so toss off some coolant inside the body which makes your senses chilled and adds Attu a bit of strength. To get to the brown sticky beverage, you will need to smash secret doors. How could Attu call himself a robot if he hasn't had some grenades in reserve? The first type is an ordinary bomb which explodes when you throw it away. The second type is an electrical bomb, which immobilises enemies when you throw it to them. The third type is firebomb which makes the piece of land or enemy burn.
The excellent game feature is indeed metal scrap which helps you to gain new levels. The next, you'll be collecting, are the coins. Purchase anything the storekeeper offers in his small market. There are only three resellers in the game providing you with different types of weapons, armour, bombs, cans with oil. The first reseller sells necessary arms and other simple stuff. For example, some swords grant more significant damage and farmer's hands grant better cooling of the system. Within some time, it's charming to put a set of clothes on Attu to look astonishing.
The mentioned reseller, in the beginning, offers only conventional weapons and armour, despite the last one, he will provide you with unique items for which you leave a more significant amount of coins on his desk. Don't worry, coins and scrap you may collect in every passage and room because leaving the area causes the refresh of enemies (except bosses).
Passing through the game seems similarly, however, with every hidden finding and the item you have the more great taste to progress further and explore who stands behind the most massive theft of oil in the history. Very early, you find yourself at the places where lots of enemies hatch from the ground until you kill them all. A tactic is up to you. Usage of available abilities and skills as well. Items in the inventory, as mentioned bombs above, you may find helpful.
I think I met with attractive monsters in a different location about what I thought that they're bosses - they were not! Boss fight you recognise at the first view, because appear of tremendously metal looking monster flummox you, but also it takes some to understand how to bring it down. Don't be worried, if you would've died (I personally 200 times during game time) there are verge posts close to your current position where you can save your progress. On the map, the verge posts are depicted as "graves". Grave also refills your health.
Controlling over is easy via the controller, but the keyboard is breakneck. As mentioned in the introduction, obtaining modules enables you to use Attu's skills at maximum. These skills are various vigorous shots, and blasts which combined with specific keys don't have to convenient to use. Troubles you may notice on the controller at the moment when you climb the ladder up and poorly "mapped" controller may cause issues in the course of leaping to the side next to a ladder because a joystick must be in the precisely on the left or right to make Attu jump.
Within some time I also came to know that travelling from one side to another is unpleasant in due to creeping through 40 shafts and corridors to finally get to dreamed place. For such a transportation thing serves a teleporting device connecting with other parts of the map, although it's necessary to find this place firstly. Visiting the area is enough for activating. If you have some unsearched area in a far corner of the map, you can quickly teleport yourself to the end of the plan and examine spaces around. It seems to be easy enough, but the unsearched piece of the map may cause getting stuck at one place for more than one hours searching for a specific cartridge to get to another room. I do heartily recommend abnormally and punctiliously explore every nook and be attentive to irregular surfaces in the environment. There's always something hiding in front of you.
The title has a positive effect, is pleasing, the music matches with the game and fits together, but as I mentioned in the paragraph above, be lost in space not knowing where to go, it may costs you another hour of wandering around, and it doesn't have to make you feel comfortable. Someone would say the title is identical like "walking simulator" while you are going across three different environments flourishing the sword near yourself, and finding nothing. It can cause dull. I've passed through the game within 10-12 hours while I'd been searching for every nook. I didn't get bored even after 5 hours playing at one stroke — a pleasing experience with few imperfections which the developers will, without any doubts, remove.
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