List of studios
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Naughty Dog
The studio was founded in California by Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin with original name Jam Software, however it was renamed to Naughty Dog, Inc. in 1989. Very imporant moment came also in 2001 when the company was bought by Sony Computer Entertainment.
Country of origin: USA
Founded: 27. 9. 1984
The American company from California was founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. Originally, it was focused on renting and selling DVD movies but it became popular mainly due to its streaming service. Since 2012, Netflix is an active producer of entertainment products.
Country of origin: USA
Founded: 29. 8. 1997
NetherRealm Studios
The American studio located in Chicago was established as a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment which it develops games for. The studio works on games from the well-known Mortal Kombat and Injustice series.
Country of origin: USA
Founded: 20. 4. 2010
Niantic, Inc. is an American software development company based in San Francisco, which is best known for developing the augmented reality mobile games Ingress and Pokémon Go. The company was formed as Niantic Labs in 2010 by Keyhole.
Country of origin: USA
Founded: 2010
Ninja Theory
Ninja Theory, Ltd. (formerly Just Add Monsters) is an independent video game developer based in Cambridge, England, United Kingdom. The studio is well known for the last game which was published 08. 08. 2017, Hellblade. The game was nominated in The Gaming Award.
Country of origin: England
Founded: 1. 3. 2000
Currently one of the leading companies which was founded already in 19th century as a game card producer. After a less successful businesses (cab or hotel service), the company started developing games in 1970s which helped it to get the reputation it has nowadays.
Country of origin: Japan
Founded: 23. 9. 1889
Nodacoy Games
NODACOY is a small, indie team of designers, writers, musicians and artists. A year or so ago we started a game jam that would eventually become HECKPOINT, a frantic hack ‘n’ slash, shoot ’em up. It started with a single image – an attempt to make a pixel art board game.
Country of origin: USA
Founded: 2016