On the GOG platform made by the CD Projekt company since today, you can find the attractive games for a fair price. We speak about older games which aren't the blockbuster in the world but even on the older PCs, you can play the remarkable titles which haven't faded away. I dared to write, "haven't faded away", but among the titles is the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt which can be purchased for just under 20 € in GOTY edition.
Among the other attractive titles I would rank among the best Grim Dawn, Stalker, Divinity: Original Sin 2 or Baldur's Gate. For example, my favourite game Little Nightmares you can purchase for just under 8 €.
Series of Might&Magic belong to my personal tip which delights players of RPGs who haven't already heard about this series. I heartily recommend buying for a fair price the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth part of Might&Magic.
All discounts you can find on the official website of GOG.com.
17. 4. 2018 16:44
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