Last month, Gearbox Software claimed that it would attend PAX East 2019 where it was planning to present “never-before-seen reveals”. And today, we finally found out what exactly Gearbox seems to reveal at the end of the month – during PAX East 2019, a new episode Borderlands 3 might be announced!
This assumption was made based on the new Twitter post which reminds us of the new reveal during the upcoming event. The Tweet includes a picture with a highway sign containing the date of 28th March, the day when Gearbox is presenting during PAX East. And since the sign is located in the middle of a desert and is typically stylized, it’s obvious that the new reveal is related to the popular Borderlands series. On top of that, a smaller sign in the top right corner says “EXIT 3” which practically confirms that no other content than a completely new episode, the third in the row, is planned to be revealed.
So, let’s just wait for it but we all in the redaction truly believe that the announcement of Borderlands 3 is more than obvious. If you are interested in seeing this new Tweet, it’s available below.
— Gearbox Official (@GearboxOfficial) 12. března 2019
12. 3. 2019 23:12
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