The newest console Switch from Nintendo has sold more than 52 million units so far, and it's on the market only 34 months. The analysts calculate that the trend is going to grow, and the Japanese giant will reach at higher numbers, in addition to speculation that Nintendo is preparing Pro version of Switch that should be significantly powerful than its older predecessors, so Pro version should compete with the forthcoming generation of consoles. Nintendo Switch is very popular, and there is also coming interest in developers to develop ports of their titles for this console.
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
The polish developers from CD Projekt Red who stand behind the highly-renowned RPG accomplishment of this decade, in this case, they do not idle, their latest Witcher for the console was released, and at this moment, it is the highly-developed port for this generation. Nowadays, there is also another game coming out for Switch made by CD Projekt Red, Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. It's a singleplayer RPG card game where combat system is based on well-known Gwent. The game follows the story of a female war veteran and the queen of Rivia and Lyria Meve who must set out on a war journey. The game is available for 19.99€ for Nintendo Switch.
The Outer Worlds
Fallot is a complete classic for most of the players when we omit the latest Fallout 76. Although, the speech is about the original titles of the series behind which Obsidian Entertainment stood for. In fact, they released their title The Outer Worlds last year, which looked like the fans had wished. The game carried off the highest grades from majority of rewievers and no wonder that the game is going to see the light of the world on Nintendo Switch on 6th March this year for 59.99€.
30. 1. 2020 22:17
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